Monday, August 8, 2011

DIY: From Footrest to Stool

Although i knew i'd never use it, i still went ahead and got myself a small footrest. It was probably my subconscious DIY self that was itching to transform it into something else, yep that was probably it...

So here's how i transformed a plain footrest into a colorful stool.

- Velcro stickers (8 pieces)
- Needle and some thread
- Colorful pillow covers

Stitch a velcro sticker on every corner of the of the footrest and pillow covers so that you can attach the corners together. You only need a few stitches.

I used velcro so that i can change the cover anytime i want!

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1 comment:

  1. I spend my days sitting at some drafting tables inside an office and it seems so unhealthy to never be outside. I recently starting getting up every 30 minutes and doing a walk around the office just to be active. It truly does pay off. Great post by the way. Great to see people on the same page!
    Thanks for post..
    Ergonomic Footrests
